Saidera Labels

2019年度 ADCグランプリ受賞。

2015, we started a new label production, “SDM&LiveRec” (besides “Saidera Records” started in 1987) with the highest possible resolution audio - DSD format digital distribution, downloadable Stereo and Multi-channel music. All titles are co-produced with each independent artist. All recordings are DSD recorded, mixed or mastered by our engineers. Directed by Seigen Ono and/or Tatsuji Kimura.

Announcing our brand new label “SDMindies”. Open to all clients and artists! For professional or non-professional artists (any category) who need to upgrade their recorded master (any format, even captured on your iPhone!). Just send it to us for our engineers to work on, and you can license to “SDMindies” (96K24 or DSD only). Your music will be distributed to the high-res market including mora (Sony Music), E-Onkyo and OTOTOY. We’ll keep fans up to date with your profile, tour schedule, and new release information.
あなた(原盤権保持者)からの音楽を、mora(Sony Music)、e-onkyo music、OTOTOYなどのハイレゾ・マーケットへ向けて、新しいファンの獲得のためにシングルでもアルバムでもプロフィール、ツアースケジュールなどの情報を加えて配信します。
SONY 360 Reality Audio、Dolby Atmosの制作も承っておりますので、お気軽にご相談ください。ここから世界マーケットへの窓口です。